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Introduce yourself in here, or just chat about anything that comes into your head.
1658 Topics 17.6k Replies
Craft Beer in Dungloe Co.Donegal
by Cian
5 months 4 weeks ago
Want some information on a favourite craft beer or want to share your own thoughts with the community? This is the place to do it.
1364 Topics 16.1k Replies
We all want to know where we can get quality craft beers in Ireland and abroad, whether in bars, restaurants or off-licenses. Share your experiences here.
665 Topics 6994 Replies
What's new? - Dublin
by TheBeerNut
6 months 2 weeks ago
The place to discuss upcoming events or even to plan your own. This forum can be used in conjunction with the Calendar so you know what's on where and when.
829 Topics 14.1k Replies
Want to talk about baking or cheese making? Have a favourite beer-infused recipe you'd like to share? Anything food related goes here.
58 Topics 517 Replies
Commercial or private, selling, bartering or giving it away, if you have something to offer or need something, this is the place to advertise.
867 Topics 6067 Replies
If you want to give feedback on an article you've recently read on this site, then this is the place to go.
145 Topics 1631 Replies
Is there something we can do better? Do you want to suggest some content or functionality or is it all fantastic already? Let us know in here.
180 Topics 1028 Replies
Website migration
by TheBeerNut
8 months 1 week ago
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