Europe’s definitive guide to beer styles
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The European Beer Consumers Union has launched its ‘one stop shop’ for information about different beer styles across the continent and further afield.
The Beer Styles of Europe and Beyond has been published by the European Beer Consumers Union (EBCU) to provide everyone from connoisseurs to those new to the world of beer with a comprehensive guide to the growing range of beer styles found across Europe and beyond – their origins, differences and how to spot the best.
Beoir at 10
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Today marks ten years since Beoir was formally established, on 1st July 2010. It doesn’t seem like all that long ago but it’s safe to say that the world of Irish beer has changed immeasurably since then. Beoir’s objectives have similarly moved with the times.
Back then, “craft beer” was very much a minority interest, and Beoir sought to serve that minority with information on where independent beer could be found. A one-page national list of pubs that sold Irish craft beer became a Directory, and eventually the BeoirFinder app. An early stated aim of Beoir was to encourage independent beer and cider production by increasing consumer awareness and demand, to the point where every establishment could be relied on to have at least one craft option available. In urban Ireland, at least, this mission was largely accomplished by the beginning of 2020. direct sales for difficult times
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With the independent beer industry facing an uncertain future during the covid-19 pandemic, it's more important than ever to support it. Irish licensing laws give breweries very little scope to sell directly to the public.
Several are now offering delivery or collection from the brewery directly, and these have been compiled into a new website:, the work of Craig Kearney, from an idea by Wayne Dunne. It lists the breweries doing direct sales, states the arrangements on offer and links to the online shop where there is one.
Social distancing is no reason to go thirsty!
Beer of the Year 2020
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The opening weeks of the new decade saw Beoir once again taking the pulse of the Irish beer scene, assessing it via the eyes and palates of its members. This is the ninth annual awards, in which the drinkers en masse choose their favourite Irish beers from the previous calendar year. Any beer brewed on the island of Ireland and available commercially was eligible, and the top three were selected. Additionally, the brewery which scored the most points in total received a separate award.
With voting completed, the winners for 2020 were as follows: